Braving Difficulties
Braving Difficulties
Braving Difficulties is the account of Mosie, a possum, whose life is filled with dangers, hard times, and frightening circumstances. Mosie makes it through many adversities because she has the COURAGE to do what must be done in spite of her fears. Even young children may encounter various misfortunes and quandaries: injury, illness, family problems, natural disasters, and challenges that seem daunting. They need courage to face hardship when disaster strikes and, also, to make wise decisions and act accordingly when it is moral courage that is needed on a daily basis. The beautiful illustrations of Mosie and the events in her life make this a good book to read to toddlers and preschoolers, and the enriched vocabulary along with the supplement section containing entries on integration, relating to the real world, critical thinking, and writing/storytelling prompts make Braving Difficulties a good classroom book. It can be a springboard for discussions fostering the Life Principle of courage.
Written by Christy Sheffield, illustrated by Hannah Tuohy.