Lion Dog at your Service: Life Principle of Service
Lion Dog at your Service: Life Principle of Service
Children’s book with full-page color illustrations. Lion Dog at Your Service helps readers view the life principle of service as it is exhibited in the small community of neighborhood dogs. Lion Dog is unflagging in his dedication to being helpful to neighbors. His attitude is in striking contrast with some of the other canine residents who take a more selfish and self-centered approach to their interaction with others—a circumstance not so different from how people behave.
When students learn to be of service to others, they start out by giving of their own time and capabilities to benefit friends, relatives, neighbors, classmates, their school, and others whose paths they cross. In time, they will realize that though their initial aim had been to give, they end up being the true beneficiaries themselves because they become individuals of value. Their own personal self-esteem increases; they become contributors to all those around them; they uncover hidden talents; and their potential as future employees increases significantly. At an early age, young people can be taught to make themselves useful.